Biochar is a charcoal-like substance rich in carbon, made by heating organic materials (usually biomass waste) through a process called pyrolysis. These materials are heated under high temperatures (300-500°C) involving little to no oxygen.
Under those conditions, the biomass is converted into a stable form of carbon and, thus, sequesters those carbons that otherwise would be released into the atmosphere if the biomass decomposes.
Familiar with other char, biochar is black but highly porous and has a large surface area — which is very beneficial for soil applications and chemical adsorptions. More on this later.
Moreover, in terms of chemical composition, 70% of its composition is carbon. Other chemical properties will differ according to the type and quality of biomass used as feedstock, as well as the methods used to produce biochar. For instance, WasteX’s rice husk biochar has 74.5% C-organic, while the corn cob biochar has 43.5%.
Almost any biomass can be made into biochar, such as rice husks, wood chips, cocoa pod husks, and corn cobs. As such, any agricultural producer can convert their biomass waste and produce biochar instead of simply burning or throwing it away.

Almost any type of biomass can be made into biochar, such as rice husks, wood chips, cocoa pod husks, and corn cobs. As such, any agricultural producer can convert their biomass waste and produce biochar instead of simply burning or throwing them away.
Origins of Biochar
Nowadays, biochar is mainly known for its capabilities in sequestering carbon dioxide. However, biochar has its origins in ancient practices of soil management and agriculture.
One notable example is the indigenous practice known as "terra preta" or "dark earth" found in the Amazon rainforest. These dark, highly fertile soils contain a significant amount of biochar, created through a combination of deliberate charcoal production and the addition of charcoal to agricultural fields.
Terra preta still exists and consists of 70 times more black carbon than the surrounding soils, according to a 2014 study, resulting in much more fertile soils and creating a stable carbon sink.
Similar practices of using charred organic matter in agriculture have been found in other parts of the world, including ancient China, where the use of "black earth" was documented. These historical practices demonstrate the early recognition of the positive effects of biochar on soil productivity.
Uses and Benefits of Biochar
Biochar offers a range of environmental benefits that make it an attractive solution for sustainable land management.
1. Mitigating Climate Change
One significant advantage of biochar is its capacity to sequester carbon in the soil. Adding biochar to soil locks away carbon, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.
Moreover, the byproduct of pyrolysis can be used as a source of clean energy. The heat and syngas can be captured and further processed which can replace fossil fuels.
Here are other ways how biochar can be beneficial for the environment:
Adsorb heavy metals and other pollution from groundwater
Reduce biomass waste
Reduce soil erosion by increasing its water-holding capacity and improving its stability
2. Improving Soil Health and Crop Yields
Various studies have shown that applications of biochar to the soil can improve overall soil health due to its porous structure.
For starters, those pores can adsorb and hold onto essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The same happens with water, thus increasing the soil’s water retention capacity. This ability will help farmers go through tough times, such as drought and increased prices of fertilizers.
Aside from improving the soil’s nutrient and water retention, biochar also releases them when required. This ability to hold and release nutrients and water is called cation exchange capacity (CEC). The higher the CEC, the better.
As a result of high CEC, soils will require less fertilizer and lower costs for farmers. In return, reducing fertilizer use will help decrease greenhouse gasses and make the agricultural industry more environmentally friendly.
Biochar’s porous structure also provides a habitat for the growth of beneficial microbes that contribute to nutrient cycling, organic matter decomposition, and disease suppression.
All of this will eventually lead to improved crop yields and ensure food security.
3. Neutralizing and Stabilizing Soil pH
Biochar is often alkaline, meaning it has a high pH. When added to acidic soils, it can help neutralize the acidity, making the soil more favorable for plant growth.
Biochar can also act as a buffer, helping to stabilize soil pH. This means it can resist changes in pH, preventing the soil from becoming too acidic or too alkaline.
4. Improving Livestock and Poultry Health
Meanwhile, when applied to livestock and poultry farms, biochar can be used as follows:
Manure management. Biochar can be used as a bedding material in animal housing or added to manure storage facilities to improve odor control and absorb moisture, reducing the release of ammonia and other volatile compounds.
Pathogen control. The pores in biochar can absorb and immobilize pathogens, reducing their availability for transmission. This can contribute to improved biosecurity and animal health.
Feed additive potential. There is ongoing research on using biochar as a feed additive in livestock and poultry diets. Adding biochar to animal feed can potentially improve nutrient utilization, digestion, and overall gut health. It may also reduce the negative impact of toxins and mycotoxins in the digestive system.
How Biochar is Produced
The production of biochar involves the following steps:
1. Feedstock Preparation
As mentioned above, any organic materials can be converted into biochar. The most sustainable way is to use waste near you. That way, we eliminate the additional carbon footprint from long-distance transportation.
After that, dry the waste to achieve efficient pyrolysis. Ideally, the waste should have a maximum of 15% moisture content.
2. Pyrolysis
There are many methods to produce biochar, from traditional equipment like TLUD or Kontiki to industrial machines. In this article, we will explain how to make biochar using biochar equipment by WasteX.

The machine is turned on to burn fuel. When the temperature in the combustion chamber reaches 300°C, activate the automatic mode, and the machine will feed the combustion chamber until the temperature reaches 500°C.
In a separate chamber—the pyrolysis chamber—the biomass is heated by the heat generated from the combustion chamber under limited oxygen. This indirect heating decomposes and stabilizes the carbon contained in the biomass, producing a carbon-rich substance ready for use.
The biochar pyrolysis machine will automatically discharge the biochar into the storage barrel. Allow the biochar to cool.
How to Use Biochar
Biochar can be used either raw or charged, depending on your goal.
If you want to use biochar to filter water or remediate contaminated soils, it’s best to use it raw as it will absorb the pollutants.
However, if you want to use it as a soil amendment, it’s recommended that you charge it first. Essentially, charging is filling biochar with beneficial microorganisms and nutrients. Charged biochar will bring immediate benefits to your plants.
You can charge biochar using fertilizers, compost, and manure, among other things. You can read more about charging biochar in our article.
It's important to note that the effectiveness of biochar application can vary depending on soil type, climate, biochar properties, and management practices.
Proper assessment of soil conditions and appropriate application rates are necessary for maximizing the benefits of biochar. WasteX can help you and your farm if you want further information on properly producing and applying biochar to maximize yield.
Is Biochar the Same as Charcoal?
In terms of their appearance, biochar and charcoal may look alike at a quick glance. However, there are some characteristics that differentiate them.
Charcoal is generally produced from wood, coal, or other organic matter and is primarily used as a fuel source for cooking, heating, or industrial processes. It is typically made at lower temperatures compared to biochar and used for its energy content.
Biochar, on the other hand, is produced at higher temperatures and is primarily made from biomass. Being heated at higher temperatures also means that biochar is more porous than charcoal, making it better at retaining water and nutrients.
Moreover, charcoal is a less stable form of carbon because it is produced at lower temperatures and thus breaks down easily in the soil. As such, charcoal's effects on the soil will be very short compared to biochar, which can last hundreds to thousands of years.
In conclusion, biochar is a valuable resource made from organic materials and has distinct properties that set it apart from traditional charcoal.
Biochar offers advantages such as carbon sequestration, improved soil fertility, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and increased yields. By incorporating biochar into agricultural practices and utilizing its potential as a soil amendment, we can enhance soil health, promote sustainable land management, and contribute to a greener future.